
Special Notice.

STUDENTS may be accommodated at 815 Main street, corner of Ellery street. The house is superior in all its appointments, and adapted to the comfort and convenience of students, both for its central location and cuisine. Breakfast and lunch are served at the usual hours; dinner from half past five until seven o'clock. An elegant room is at the disposal of gentlemen wishing exclusive club privileges. The public dining room is handsomely fitted for the comfort of the guests, where they will receive the best of service and attention.


HARVARD gentlemen desiring instruction in fashionable dancing would do well to attend Mr. and Mrs. Black's young people's class at Cotillion Hall, Huntington avenue. Private lessons and circulars. Address, 204 Dartmouth street, Boston.

GENERAL table, $6 a week at Peabody Club, 126 Mt. Auburn St.

WANTED.- A student of English to take very full and accurate notes in a course for an entire year. Apply on Saturday at Leavitt and Peirce's between 9 and 12. Bring notes taken for a full half year in some course.


STUDENTS will do well to pay a visit to Pach's Studio, the Harvard class photographers and see what they have in the way of pictures to decorate their rooms. They have all the athletic groups such as Baseball, Football, Crew, Mott Haven Teams; also Theatrical, Society and Class Groups constantly on hand and will frame the same at reasonable rates.

H. WM. TUPPER, Manager and Photographer.2 6t

TO LET.- One pleasant sunny room on first floor, at 1537 Cambridge Street.
