The $200,000 left to the Vanderbilt University of Tenn. by the late W. H. Vanderbilt, is to be used in building a new fire proof library building, and purchasing more books.
Prof. Shaler, at his initiation into the Signet on Thursday night, read a paper on "Sympathy as Shown in Custom." He has a book in preparation on the subject.
The officers of the Delta Upsilon are: President, W. F. Osgood, '86; vice-president, W. L. Currier, '87; secretary, H. W. Bean, '87; treasurer, R. W. Black, '87; chorister, B. C. Henry, '86.
Of the 312 colleges in the United States, 250 have preparatory departments connected with them; 171 admit both sexes on equal terms; 133 admit only men; 5 admit only women.
It is a pleasure to be able to state that Frank Dole will train the foot-ball team next season, for he is one of the few men that seemed to interest themselves in the eleven, as he not only had to act the part of trainer, but captain to the team also. - Pennsylvanian.
The initial number was issued Tuesday of the Pennsylvanian, to be published weekly by the students of the University of Pennsylvania. It takes the place of the University Magazine, and presents a very creditable appearance.
The Princetonian in a very readable article on the necessity of altering some of the existing foot-ball rules closes as follows: "To perpetuate the American 'scrimmage' in its present form interference, the rule that permits a rusher to hold his man, i.e, holds with the hands, must first be prohibited under severe penalties; and the holding of the ball at all by the opposing center-rusher should be simply disallowed."