Williams has 258 students; Brown, 248.
Theme VI in English 5 is due on Monday.
The Nation is anxious for a University of New York, that will deserve the name.
The Deturs will be distributed to the sophomores who have won them on Monday.
The Scientific School has a new machine for testing the strength of building materials.
Mr. Moody is at Dartmouth now. It is still hoped that he will be able to come to Harvard this winter.
The Princetonian is having an interesting discussion on the way in which their yell should be yelled.
The freshman crews are being coached by Capt. Mumford, Mr. Storrow and Mr. Butler.
Chestnut No. 5. "The Harvard men use the cage for practising tennis, as well as base-ball and lacrosse." - Ex.
A "Ministerial Club" has been organized here composed of students who intend to enter the ministry. - Yale News.
A small number of men in '88 have formed, a Shakespeare Club; it will be devoted to social and literary purposes.
The will of John Langdon Sibley has been filed in the probate court. His widow receives the income of his entire estate. At her death the bulk of his property will be given to the Massachusetts Historical Society.
The new Lampoon board from '88 is as follows: L. Honore, J. R. Purdon, L. Anderson, F. L. H. Noble, B. W. Palmer, G. H. Lent.
Rev. W. Hay Aitkin of London will preach in Tremont Temple tomorrow, at 3 o'clock, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
According to the New York Tribune, Harvard students demand "free religion and free sports, and no faculty interference in either, if you please."
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General Registration After the Christmas Recess.