
Fact and Rumor.

The pump in the yard is in process of repair.

There was a cut in Political Economy IV yesterday.

There will be no mid-year examination in English V.

Thirty men are trying for the Brown nine.

There was a cut in Political Economy III yesterday.


There will be no mid-year examination in Greek 15.

President Adams is inaugurated today at Cornell.

Amherst is agitating the question of a literary magazine.

Cornell defeated Hobart at polo Saturday, 3 goals to 1.

An hour examination in N. H. IV will be held Dec. 18.

The new subjects for theses in Philosophy IV will be given to-day.

Mr. William Barnes, Jr., has been elected exchange editor of the CRIMSON.

Bemis, '87 and Wright, '86 will attempt to-day to break the seven-mile walk record.

Sophomore themes, corrected, are due to-day at Sever 5, between 2.30 and 4 p.m. Theme II will be returned.

There will be an hour examination in Philosophy II next Wednesday. This will count 5 per cent. of the year's work.
