
Fact and Rumor.

The pump in the yard is in process of repair.

There was a cut in Political Economy IV yesterday.

There will be no mid-year examination in English V.

Thirty men are trying for the Brown nine.

There was a cut in Political Economy III yesterday.


There will be no mid-year examination in Greek 15.

President Adams is inaugurated today at Cornell.

Amherst is agitating the question of a literary magazine.

Cornell defeated Hobart at polo Saturday, 3 goals to 1.

An hour examination in N. H. IV will be held Dec. 18.

The new subjects for theses in Philosophy IV will be given to-day.

Mr. William Barnes, Jr., has been elected exchange editor of the CRIMSON.

Bemis, '87 and Wright, '86 will attempt to-day to break the seven-mile walk record.

Sophomore themes, corrected, are due to-day at Sever 5, between 2.30 and 4 p.m. Theme II will be returned.

There will be an hour examination in Philosophy II next Wednesday. This will count 5 per cent. of the year's work.

The Amherst Student says that Amherst has no intention of leaving the inter-collegiate base-ball league to help form one with Williams.

The price of board at Memorial Hall, Harvard, last month, was only $3.98 a week, which is remarkably low compared with New Haven prices. - News.

Captain Peters has gone to New York to confer with Princeton men as to the date and place of the game. The game will be on the Polo Grounds on Saturday, unless Yale refuses to play.

All who wish to sign the Reading Room book, may do so before 4 p.m. to-day. The library petition will remain at Bartlett's till Saturday. All are urged to sign at once.

The Harvard Dining Association has lately imported from England 1200 napkins made by special order. The words 'Memorial Hall, Cambridge', are neatly woven in the pattern.

The St. James's Gazette says that tennis elbow is a common complaint, like scribbler's palsy. Skilled sufferers say that it lasts a year or two. It is an exaggerated lame elbow from tennis playing.

The pupils of Mr. Ferris, instructor of sparring in the gymnasium, have been very successful in the events in which they have competed, having won 21 cups and medals in the 26 events which they have contested.

Speaking of the merits of the Yale team, the Evening Post says: "The Yale team is so elaborately decried by Yale men, after the Yale policy of all crews and teams, that we suspect it must be unusually good."

Harvard Union debate to-night. Question, "Resolved that Capital Punishment should be Abolished." The principal disputants are: affirmative, F. H. Darling, L. S., H. E. Fraser, '86; negative, S. B. Rogers, L. S., L. McK. Garrison, '88.

The sensational report, in one of the Boston papers, to the effect that a Harvard sophomore used the college cheer to encourage one of the contestants in a slugging match in that city, is declared, upon competent authority, to be entirely false.
