
Fact and Rumor.

The young women of Smith College are to have an astronomical observatory with a telescope whose object-glass will be larger than any object-glass now to be found among the New England colleges.

The newly elected officers of the Yale Athletic Association are Havens, '87, president; Kellogg, '87 S., vice-president; and J. Allen, '88, secretary and treasurer. The executive committee are G. B. Richards, '88 S., and McElroy, '88. The association is $100 in debt.

The funeral services of J. A. Palmer, the Yale freshman, who died suddenly last week, were very impressive and touching. Mr. Palmer is spoken of in the highest manner by all his friends, and his death is a severe loss to his class.

The Yale Banner is out. As a whole it is up to if not better than last year's. There are fewer pages than last year, but nothing of importance is omitted. The Lit board publishes it this year instead of selling the right to produce it, and they may well be satisfied with the result.

The match game of foot-ball for the championship of Memorial Hall was played yesterday afternoon on Jarvis, at 2 p. m. The contesting elevens were the "Who-Does" and the "John Stuart Mills." The game resulted in a victory for the "John Stuart Mills. The victorious eleven was made up of rushers, Rogers, Woods, White, Hood, Cushing, Poppleton, Rich; quarter-back, Thayer; half-backs, A. C. Smith, G. W. Foster; back, Hamilton.


Columbia has decided that the studies of the senior year shall be entirely elective. This plan takes effect this year.
