
Fact and Rumor.

There was another cut in German III yesterday.

There was an examination in Greek 5, yesterday.

The average weight of the Tech. rush line is 177 lbs,, and of the whole team, 171 lbs.

The "practical investigation of a charity" is due in Philosophy XI today.

In the absence of Mr. Mahany, Mr. Platt, '88, will serve as secretary protem at the Union.


Dartmouth has withdrawn from the northern inter-collegiate league on account of faculty interference.

Bowdoin and Cornell are still quarrelling about their boat race at Quinsigamond last summer.

There was the novel sight of a cut in Chapel yesterday, caused by Dr. Brooks' inability to appear.

Mr. Wilder D. Bancroft, '88, has been elected a regular editor of the CRIMSON, and Mr. John M. Merriam, '86, President pro tem.

Candidates for the Yale nine begin practice this week. The captain for 1885-6 is Stewart who covered first base last year.

The last number of the Exonian contains some very peppery remarks about the freshman game in particular and Harvard in general, which seem to have been caused by over excitement.

The last Yale News contains a most interesting account of the college since 1871. It is a pity that it is too long for publication in our columns.

Bob Cook's condition is said to be much better, and his physician says that the prospects of his final recovery are very favorable. - Yale News.

The last number of the Police Gazette contains a cut of the now famous "Winchester-Winged Wonder" and his companions on their walk to Worcester.

Evolution: Last year Lampy represented the conference committee as a small boy armed with a pair of bellows; now it is personified as a lusty knight in full armor.
