

An interesting table has been prepared showing the relative strength and development of the ten strongest men in college in '80, '81, '82, '83 and '84, according to the tests used by Dr. Sargent in the Hemenway Gymnasium. In order to make a complete list we have reprinted the '83 and '84 men, although they have been given during the year. The great increase in total strength from 675.5 in '80 to 1272.8 in '84, proves conclusively the great benefits which we receive from the gymnasium:

1880.Name and class. Develop-Total ment. St'ngth

F. D. Jordan, '80, 531 675.2

Walter Trimble, L. S., 526.5 674


Richard Trimble, '80, 531.1 663.3

N. J. Stevens, '81, 525.5 662.4

R. W. G. Welling, '81, 526 660.4

C. H. W. Foster, '81, 513.5 653.7

James Otis, '81, 574.3 647

F. B. Keene, '80, 516 643.4

S. W. Skinner, '80, 541 640.2

G. B. Morison, '83, 502.5 632.2

Average, 528.7 655.2
