The item for board at Memorial Hall on the term bills is very small, being less than ever before within the memory of present undergraduates.
It is said that a generous friend of the University of Wiscousin is to donate $250,000 to rebuild the Hall of Sciences, recently des' royed by flre.
The decorations of the hall at the first Harvard Assembly on Thursday evening were handsomer than ever before and reflect great credit on the managers.
The three prize cups, to be awarded the winners in the present series of shotgun matches, are now on exhibition in the windows of Leavitt and Peirce's store.
The Sketch Club, so successful at Princeton a few years ago, which had died from lack of interest has been revived. A professional artist will be engaged to give instruction in the art.
Considerable numbers of Harvard men are among the audiences at the Boston Museum to see Boucicault in the "Shaughraum." The famous comedian will drop that play from his repertoire after the present season.
A new and very important feature of the Institute of Technology is a laboratory fitted up in the new building, de voted to the study of sanitary chemistry, in which opportunity is given for analyzing milk, food, air, water, etc.
The present cold snap will probably bring good skating for the holidays. The members of the Hockey Club will then have a chance to practice their favorite sport in private. This will put them in good trim to open the season on Fresh pond with great style.
The cold wind is reported to have blown a good deal of coal out of the various bins in the basements of Stoughton and Hollis. Owners are advised to put locks on the doors of their coal bins. Yale locks are the best, for the wind may have some combination. Verbum Sap. etc.
The officers of instruction of the Institute of Technology number 63, of which 28 are professors and assistant professors. The whole number of students is 706, divided as follows: School of industrial science-Seniors, 30; juniors. 60; sophomores, 85; freshmen, 193; special students, 211; total, 579. School of mechanic arts-Seniors, 6; freshmen, 30; special students, 20; total, 66. Lowell school of design, 61.