
Fact and Rumor.

The term bills are out.

Recitations already begin to be thinly attended.

The Glee Club gave a concert at Andover last evening.

Members of Latin 5 are now reading Cicero de Finibus.

Hamiton, '86, has been elected president of the Yale Bicycle Club.


Several of the recitation rooms were almost as cold as the chapel yesterday.

The president of Wellesley college, Miss Alice E. Freeman, is but 28 years old.

All men who desire to join the Hockey Club can do so by applying to the secretary at 49 Grays.

The Technology athletic sports occur this afternoon in the gymnasium on Huntington avenue.

There will be no mid year examination in History 14. Thesis work will be substituted in place.

If the present weather continues, Fresh Pond will soon be in prime condition for the Hockey Club.

Professor John Williams White's section in Greek 5 has now begun to read the "Pax" of Aristophanes.

Every place in the Wellesley College buildings is full, and there are forty seven non-resident students.

The CRIMSON is becoming so popular that it is read with interest by a number of young ladies in Boston.

It is said that a series of rifle matches for suitable prizes, will be opened by the Shooting Club, immediately after the coming vacation.
