Twenty men accompanied the Yale freshman nine.
The Yale freshmen obtained reduced rates Saturday.
Vassar College will graduate thirty-nine young ladies this year.
The nine will be photographed at 3 P. M. today on the steps of Matthews.
There will be a meeting of the directors of Memorial today at 1.30 P. M.
Eighty men were present at the dinner given the Yale nine Saturday evening.
The freshman examination in Physics will not include the work of the first term.
The seniors and freshmen will probably enter crews in the union regatta on June 18th.
Freshman recitations ceased Saturday. Their first examination takes place today.
The marks for the hour examination in Freshman analytics will be given out today in Sever 24.
The new physical laboratory at Yale is ready for use. It is considered the finest in the country.
The Yale crew have received from Keist, of New Haven, the new shell which is to be used in the race.
The enthusiasm of the freshmen over the victory of their nine found vent in a display of fireworks and a bonfire Saturday evening.
Yale defeated the Beacons Saturday at New Haven by a score of 3 to 2. Each side made but three hits while the Beacons outplayed Yale.
The Athletics secured only two base hits off Jones' pitching in the game with Yale, on Wednesday, both of which were made by their pitcher.
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Postponed Harvard-Yale Game.