

A meeting was held in Holden Chapel last night by the class of '85 to discuss the advisability of having a sophomore class dinner. It was voted that the president should appoint a committee of three to set the time, and place a book at Bartlett's to receive the signatures of those desiring to go. The committee appointed consists of Messrs. Atkinson, Norton and Carpenter.

It is rumored that the faculty of the University of Michigan intend to abolish the examination system at that college.

Mr. Brewster, '81, has presented the cricket club with a handsome bat to be given to the player who gets the highest batting average this year.

There will be an important meeting of the candidates for the freshman nine at 43 Weld, 7 o'clock this evening.

C. C. BURNETT, Capt.A collection of papers by the students of John Hopkins University, upon the general subject of the science of logic, edited and arranged by Professor C. S. Pierce, has been published by Little, Brown & Co., and bears the title of "Studies in Logic."


The brilliant lights, the mazes of apparatus filling the lofty roof, the polished paneling and heavy timbers and the gay crowd surrounding the graceful athletes combined to make a picture both unique and striking. - [Advertiser report of the athletic meeting.

Says the Boston Post: "The 'Society for the Protection of American Industries' is devoting a good deal of attention to Harvard College, hoping to make that institution a fair offset for Yale, where Prof. Summer, the able free trader, has a strong hold."

The fourth nine of the Hasty Pudding Club from '84 are: W. A. Gardner, McCagg, Howe. R. F. Sturgis, Warren, Cummins, Plummer, Bangs, C. A. Holmes. The following-named have been elected honorary members: W. R. Mercer, W. L. Green, Outram Bangs.
