

No recitation in History 2 yesterday.

Prof. Ames is still absent from the Law School.

Freshman French examination today. All sections in Sever 37.

H. P. C. rehearsal, "Conrad and Medora," at 3.30 today.

The thesis in Political Economy II., on tariff reform is due today.


The freshman examinations thus far are said to be very fair tests of the work done.

The schedule of rooms to be drawn for has been posted at the bursar's office.

Seniors at Amherst and freshmen at Lafayette recite catechism every Monday morning.

Dr. Sargent lectures this afternoon at 2 o'clock in Sever 11, special subject: "Reproduction."

Candidates for the University nine are requested to meet in the gymnasium this afternoon as usual.

The Inter-Collegiate Cricket Convention comes on the second Friday in April.

The O. K. group was not taken on Monday. Postals will be sent announcing another appointment.

Candidates for the Boylston prizes in elocution are having their preliminary trials before Mr. Jones this week.

The H. P. C. theatricals in New York will not be given at the Madison Square Theatre as at first expected.

The dress rehearsal for the senior's farewell of the Pi Eta Society will be given Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
