

The following men are trying for places on the junior crew. Bradford, Baldwin, Mumford, Litchfield, Foster, Hoyt, Reed, B. B. Thayer, J. E. Thayer (capt.), Weed, McArthur, Bartlett.

The Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament. Special subject. Assyrian Chronology and its value for the study of the Old Testament. Prof. Lyon in Upper Divinity Hall today at 12 M.

The Yale team defeated Michigan Wednesday by a score of ten goals and two touchdowns to two safeties. The Yale team was composed as follows: Rushers, Knapp, McCrary, Williams, Hull, Peters, Bertron, Farwell; quarter-back, Twombly; half-backs, Richards and Terry; full back, Bacon.

At a meeting of the directors of Memorial yesterday, it was voted to place umbrella racks in the auditor's room where umbrellas may be checked free of charge. It is hoped that this measure will prevent the occasional disappearance of umbrellas, which has been so amazing in the past.

A further investigation of the scholarship of the present senior class, as compared with that in the past, discloses the fact that the discrepancy between the provisional and final list is very large, almost one-half, and the number of assigned parts this year bear about the same proportion to the number in the class that was shown last year, but '83 and '84 both outranked previous classes by at least one-third. This year's class, however, excels all previous ones in the number of men averaging above 80 per cent by almost one-third. [Advertiser.

