

The building of a new boat house is being agitated at Cornell.

Oberlin is the third college to establish a chair of political economy.

A change has been made in the rectorship of the University of Berlin.

There is a rumor that Amherst and Dartmouth are to have daily papers.

Chem. 2. There will be a one hour examination of the oblique systems Friday, Nov. 23.


According to the Cornell Sun, Mrs. Winnemucca Hops, a piute Indian, conducts the chapel services at Vassar.

Dakota has set apart for educational purposes, lands valued at eighty two millions of dollars.

Hendee, the champion bicycle rider, is now in New Haven preparing to enter Sheff, '87. [News.

Paris has four thousand scholars in the evening schools for art and commercial education.

Over twenty thousand scholars in the St. Louis schools study German. This is one-half the number of pupils enrolled.

The total of the Yale foot-ball score so far this year is 68 goals and 21 touch-downs to opponents' 22 safety touch-downs.

The Indiana University has abolished the study of Greek and Latin so that more time may by paid to the study of agriculture and horticulture.

An organization with a membership of eighteen men from the senior class has just been formed at Cornell under the name of the "Mermaid Club." Its objects are given out to be the promotion of social ability and general culture.

The technology freshmen recently defeated the Adams Academy eleven by a score of one touchdown to nothing, gained with the aid of the darkness.

The university lacrosse team and the university nine will play a game of foot-ball on Jarvis field this afternoon. Game called at 1:45 o'clock. A large attendance is expected.
