


1881 855 50.30 268 17

1882 700 50.00 253 14

1883 2,685 65.48 274 41

'83's fund was subscribed as follows:

3 subscriptions of $200 $600


9 subscriptions of 100 900

1 subscriptions of 70 70

17 subscriptions of 50 850

9 subscriptions of 25 225

2 subscriptions of 20 40

41 Subscriptions. $2,685

From a class of two hundred and one members, the secretary has succeeded in obtaining but fifty-one class lives.

After the various statistics there follows accounts of the different class suppers and the representation of '83 in the various college organizations. The report concludes with a very complete account of the athletic history of the college during the residence of '83, which is very valuable for reference, and with notices of the temporary members together with the present addresses of all the members.

The thanks of the class are due to Mr. Nichols for the careful and conscientious manner in which he has performed the various duties that pertain to his office.
