


The electives taken by the class during its four years of college life were distributed among the different subjects as follows:

Ancient Languages, 16; Chemistry, 148; English, 139; Fine Arts, 108; French 162; German, 275; Graduate courses, 5; Greek, 176; History, 387; Italian, 48; Latin, 171; Mathematics, 78; Music, 34; Natural History, 260; Philosophy, 206; Physics, 62; Political Economy, 185; Spanish, 47; and Roman Law, 20.

The ranks of the class for the four years is given as follows: Over 90 per cent, 7; between 80 and 90 per cent, 39; and over 67 per cent, 136. Twenty-nine men in the class received deturs, twenty-nine second year honors, twenty-two final honors, one hundred and twenty-four honorable mention and one hundred and twenty-three commencement parts. Five men received Boylston prizes, and three Bowdoin prizes. The subscriptions to the class and college funds compare as follows:

CLASS FUNDS.Total Average No. connect No. of


Class. Sub's. Subscription ed with Class Sub's.

1879 $9,035 $48.84 276 185

1880 8,605 48.34 252 178

1881 6,150 48.04 268 128

1882 9,595 63.96 253 150

1883 6,550 45.80 274 143

'83's fund was subscribed as follows:

1 subscription of $300 $300

1 subscription of 250 250

1 subscription of 150 150
