At the sixty-sixth corporate meeting of the Boston Scientific Society, Professor W. A. Rogers of Harvard College Observatory read a paper upon fine rulings, showing their importance as test objects for microscopes. The same paper, together with its accompanying rulings, will shortly be presented before the Royal Microscopic Society of England.
The board of overseers, at its last meeting, consented to the vote of the president and fellows, appointing Oliver Wendell Holmes, Emeritus Professor of Anatomy.
Mr. Jones is now devoting a short time each week to some of the members of the sections in elocution, individually, giving each man fifteen minutes besides an hour in class.
The accessions to the University Library for the past year amounted to 9192 volumes, making the present extent in volumes 296,066, and in pamphlets 222,427.
The Frogs of Aristophanes will be taken up by the section in Greek 9 immediately after the semis, to be followed by readings from the Greek Lyrics. The reading of the Antigone will complete the year's course.
President Eliot addressed the Unitarian Club at their meeting Wednesday evening. Speaking of the advantage of publishing non-Unitarian books by the society, he said that the Andover Creed, for instance, published at full length and widely circulated, would help the cause of Unitarianism; also the Thirty-nine Articles and the Athanasian Creed, or one of Jonathan Edwards' sermons on the delights of the blest in looking over the parapets and viewing the tortures of those in hell, for instance. Regarding the subject of religion and politics, he said that the two are in this country indissolubly associated; that the love of country is the next thing to the love of God, and that during the civil war evidence of the greatest devotion to country was often shown.
Richard Boas of Reading, Pa., a student in Williams College, has, it is said, discovered a new method of finding square numbers much simpler than the usual way. At a late exhibition before Prof. Dodd Mr. Boas was given a number of thirteen digits, and he produced the square in less than one minute.