Weld 34 has been drawn.
The mid-years begin two weeks from today.
The Pierian concert at Andover occurs tonight.
This is the last day for paying the term bills.
Dr. Toy conducted the chapel exercises yesterday morning.
The first number of Science will appear in about three weeks.
President Eliot's name heads the list of "original subscribers" to Science.
Members of the Pierian Sodality must be at Roberts' Hall before 1.40 P. M. Friday, with stands.
A notice posted at Memorial advertised for sale "three quarters of the Symphony concert for 25 cents"!
Dr. Charles E. Hamlin has been elected councillor on natural history for the Appalachian Mountain Club.
A school history of Greece will be prepared for Messrs. Macmillan & Co. by Mr. C. A. Fyffe, of Oxford.
At the last lecture in Greek 11, Jan. 22d, Prof. White will illustrate with the stereopticou all the lectures given in the course this year.
A copy, when completed, of the photographic duplicates of the celebrated Laurentian manuscript now in Florence, will be placed in the library.
A number of Harvard instructors have taken part in the exhibitions given by Mr. Stuart Cumberland at Tremont Temple during the past week.
The section in Greek 9 will commence the reading of the OEdipus to the instructor on next Thursday. The play is to be completed in three readings.
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