

[From our Regular Correspondent.]

Average 21 5.10 1/2 170

Coxswain, E. Benjamin, '88 90


S. Rossiter, '83 21 5.10 1/2 168

E. L. Pupke, '83 23 5.9 142


From this table it will be seen that of last year's crew we have still five members. No. 2 was substitute on last year's crew. The others were members of '84's freshman crew which rowed Harvard on the Charles. The crew has practised faithfully, and, encouraged by the presence of the students, who immediately after the term closed went in crowds to the boathouse, has done some very creditable work. The coaching has been done by Mr. G. R. Rives, J. T. Goodwin, and A. H. Van Sinderen. While we are not over confident we nevertheless think that Columbia will make a good showing, and that if we do not win Harvard will be made to pull a hard race.

It is my pleasant duty also to record a fine freshman crew, and we shall certainly look for a pretty race on July 1st. As it may be of interest for some of your readers at least, I give below the personnel of the freshman crew :

Name. Age. Height. Wgt.

Bow, W. E. Saunders 20 5.8 130

2. J. Middleton 19 5.8 131

3. C. B. Crowell 19 5.10 131

4. E. C. Hunt 18 5.10 133

5. R. L. Lee 19 6.0 145
