

[From our Regular Correspondent.]

NEW YORK, June 20, 1882. The session at Columbia has now closed, and nothing remains for the students to do but go to New London to cheer up the crew. Fortunately the apathy which at one time seemed about to kill all our boating and athletic prospects, by hard work on the part of a certain few, was driven off.

Since my last letter Columbia has repudiated her lacrosse team, much to the delight of many and regret of a very few. The team, however, continued in practice and braced a little, but not enough to get back into the good graces of the students. Some of the lacrosse men themselves were glad enough to have their association abolished, for they perfectly understood the cause of so doing, and wished to rid the association of an obnoxious element which in a measure was responsible for the chronic defeat met with everywhere. No objection whatever is offered to their reorganization in the fall, and the chances are that if the obnoxious element is kept out, and the right men obtain control, lacrosse will once more be set on its booming career, and may after all turn out a credit instead of a disgrace to Columbia.

Our 'Varsity crew went to New London on Thursday last, where they are now hard at work. The record of the crew so far has been a very creditable one, as it has defeated some of the best eights in the State. In the Passaic regatta, on Decoration Day, although losing over a length on the start, our eight caught, passed and crossed the line a winner by a length over the Metropolitan crew of Albany, two and one-half lengths ahead of the celebrated Dauntless crew of the Harlem, and fully six lengths ahead of the Eureka crew of Newark. This victory was repeated in the Harlem regatta, where our colors shoved to the front over the Metropolitan, Athletic and Dauntless.

The following is the make-up of the crew :


Name. Age. Height. Wgt.

Bow, G. E. Fitzgerald, '84 21 5.8 155

2. D. B. Porter, '83 21 5.9 1/2 174

3. W. A. Moore, '82 22 5.9 168

4. D. Reckhart, '84 20 5.11 172

5. E. T. Lynch, '84 20 6.0 1/2 178

6. W. Wheeler, '84 22 6.0 182

7. H. R. Muller, S. of L. 22 6.0 174

Stroke, J. A. B. Cowles, '83 20 5.10 158

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Average 21 5.10 1/2 170

Coxswain, E. Benjamin, '88 90


S. Rossiter, '83 21 5.10 1/2 168

E. L. Pupke, '83 23 5.9 142

From this table it will be seen that of last year's crew we have still five members. No. 2 was substitute on last year's crew. The others were members of '84's freshman crew which rowed Harvard on the Charles. The crew has practised faithfully, and, encouraged by the presence of the students, who immediately after the term closed went in crowds to the boathouse, has done some very creditable work. The coaching has been done by Mr. G. R. Rives, J. T. Goodwin, and A. H. Van Sinderen. While we are not over confident we nevertheless think that Columbia will make a good showing, and that if we do not win Harvard will be made to pull a hard race.

It is my pleasant duty also to record a fine freshman crew, and we shall certainly look for a pretty race on July 1st. As it may be of interest for some of your readers at least, I give below the personnel of the freshman crew :

Name. Age. Height. Wgt.

Bow, W. E. Saunders 20 5.8 130

2. J. Middleton 19 5.8 131

3. C. B. Crowell 19 5.10 131

4. E. C. Hunt 18 5.10 133

5. R. L. Lee 19 6.0 145

6. E. P. Whitman 18 6.0 160

7. G. B. Lee 19 5.9 150

Stroke, W. B. Peet 21 5.8 140

Coxswain, Donnington 98

Eighty-four's Triumph was a grand success. The procession was weird, the talking part of the programme good, and the drinking part entirely satisfactory. The poem was delivered by Mr. J. F. Jenkins, Jr., and the oration by Mr. J. H. Ward, Jr. The convivium afterwards was held in the American Institute Fair building, where hat kicking, crack walking and busy times generally were rife until the "wee sma' hours."

Among other celebrations we have revived class day, and the seniors certainly did themselves credit at commencement.

The final numbers of the college press have been issued. Herbert L. Satterlee, managing editor of the Spectator, resigned his position, and J. Mayhew Wainwright, '84, has been chosen to succeed him. On the Acta board certain changes have been made also. John K. Bangs has resigned the managing editorship, to which position Mr. Hervey Anderson has been elected.

Now, as I close, permit me through your columns to express to the students at Harvard the gratification with which all Columbia students regard the great friendliness which has grown up between the two colleges; and in behalf of my fellow-students to thank you all for your always courteous treatment, which causes us when we are defeated by you, although feeling badly for ourselves, nevertheless to rejoice that there is one more feather for Harvard's cap.

T. C. S.
