

They have begun to roll the lawns in the yard.

Prof. J. W. White was in New York last week.

Mr. Freeland, '81, of the 'Varsity of '80, is at present in Cambridge.

Miss Hutchins, formerly of the college library, is now at Cornell library.

Mr. Partridge, the newly appointed minister to Peru, is a graduate of Harvard.


Breakfast at Memorial hereafter from 7.30 to 9 A. M., and dinner from 6 to 7 P. M.

All the dormitories have been thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed during the Fast week.

There was a meeting of the Law Faculty at the president's house last Tuesday evening at 7.30.

There were many visitors in the yard during vacation; a school attended in a body during the week.

There was a riding party of nine couples in the yard during vacation which attracted much attention.

It is hoped that there will be over four hundred members upon the opening of Memorial this week.

Mr. Jackson, '85, has returned to college, having recovered from his recent attack of typhoid fever.

During the vacation there has been quite a large attendance at Memorial, the late table being especially well patronized.

Mr. Thomas McGraw, of Poughkeepsie, has pledged $50,000 for the permanent endowment of the president's chair at Amherst.

Permission was obtained from the bursar during the past week and a sponge-bath has been placed in the old society building.

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