

Or what all else that '85 had done as yet."

There was more, but it was not read. Marked "rejected, as we can not countenance immorality at Harvard," and besides, '85 has become since then ass-thetic.

Another contributor says, "I send you a few jokes which I hope will prove acceptable." They did. The janitor's wife read them and never came near us again.

Just as we are going to press another letter comes from a prominent initial:

TO THE EDITORS OF THE HERALD: Dear Sirs - The late continued animadversions on my character are as uncalled for as your paper, and as unsatisfactory as my reports. My relations with collegiate persons are purely business, and I cannot afford to cultivate the social amenities in my intercourse with them. I sign my initials,


RASRUBEHT.P. S. - Your college bills, due Jan. 12, still remain unpaid.
