

Their tremulous branches to the opposite side,

The quivering, sheeny sunbeams sport and play.

II."And thus upon my heart's undarkened ease,

The fairy charms of pleasure lightly rest.

With throbbing exultation o'er the wind-swept seas,


I always see the golden portals of the blest."

When all the board had heard this there was a moment of silence, interrupted by our special telegram operator breaking into a laugh over an ambitious looking piece of brown paper he had picked up. He began to read:

"There was a sound of deviltry by night,

And in a freshman's room were gathered then

A set of innocents whose heads grew light

With noisy glee in that poor dismal den,

Where cards were dealt with rattling poker chips,

And beer went round with deadly cigarette;

While thus a wassail grew that should eclipse

The previous doings of this venturous set,
