Freshman examination in Physics today.
On Saturday the Princeton nine play the Alaskas at New York.
The '82 tug-of-war team will pull the Technology team next Saturday.
The freshmen are showing increased interest in the Co-operative Association.
The winning tug-of-war team will pull a picked team at the games this evening.
Mr. C. W. Birtwell, '82, owing to ill health, has been obliged to withdraw from his class.
The record in the running high jump does not count as a record, inasmuch as a mat was used.
The Zuni Indians attended Prof. Putnam's lecture on American Archaeology Saturday afternoon.
We understand that the second resignation of the auditor, handed in some time ago, has been accepted.
It is proposed to build a covered grand stand on Jarvis. It would certainly be a desirable improvement.
Today at 1.30 P. M. the periodicals belonging to the Reading Room Association will be sold at auction.
Prof. James has extended the time for some members of Phil. 4 to hand in their theses until after the recess.
The poem, "My Cigarette," by Mr. Lummis, '81, has been set to music by Mr. F. R. Burton, '85. Ditson is the publisher.
It is rumored that Mr. Sawyer, who has been pulling No. 2 on the 'Varsity, will withdraw from college to accept a business position.
The New York College Base-Ball League will be composed this season of Cornell, Hamilton, Madison, Union and Rochester.
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