

Gov. Long visited the college yesterday.

Marks in senior forensics are running high.

The freshman crew is making decided progress.

The sophomore crew is being coached by Col. Bancroft.

The hare and hounds run has been postponed indefinely.


Thirty men have handed in their names for the freshman nine.

The examination books in Freshman Latin will be returned next Tuesday.

F. L. Pratt, '84, will not return to college until after Christmas, on account of illness.

Professor Putnam lectures next Thursday upon the relics found near Fort Ancient, Ohio.

It is requested that all subscriptions to the new reading room be handed to the committee as soon as convenient.

Dr. W. T. Harris will lecture on "Education in Classical Studies" in Wesleyan Hall, Boston, this morning.

It is requested that the blank books for the forthcoming examination in Freshman Latin be handed in at the next recitation.

Owing to its great success, Mr. Barrett will play "Francesca da Rimini" during the second week of his engagement.

At Appleton Chapel Sunday there will be preaching by Prof. C. H. Toy, D. D., at 7.30 P. M. Subject, "John the Baptist."

The fare on the Charles-river Railway will be five cents, and the tickets of other roads will be taken. There will be no strip tickets.
