Gov. Long visited the college yesterday.
Marks in senior forensics are running high.
The freshman crew is making decided progress.
The sophomore crew is being coached by Col. Bancroft.
The hare and hounds run has been postponed indefinely.
Thirty men have handed in their names for the freshman nine.
The examination books in Freshman Latin will be returned next Tuesday.
F. L. Pratt, '84, will not return to college until after Christmas, on account of illness.
Professor Putnam lectures next Thursday upon the relics found near Fort Ancient, Ohio.
It is requested that all subscriptions to the new reading room be handed to the committee as soon as convenient.
Dr. W. T. Harris will lecture on "Education in Classical Studies" in Wesleyan Hall, Boston, this morning.
It is requested that the blank books for the forthcoming examination in Freshman Latin be handed in at the next recitation.
Owing to its great success, Mr. Barrett will play "Francesca da Rimini" during the second week of his engagement.
At Appleton Chapel Sunday there will be preaching by Prof. C. H. Toy, D. D., at 7.30 P. M. Subject, "John the Baptist."
The fare on the Charles-river Railway will be five cents, and the tickets of other roads will be taken. There will be no strip tickets.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., instructor in the Law School, has just been appointed to the Supreme Bench of Massachusetts by Gov. Long.
The estimated cost of the forthcoming Science for the first year is upwards of $40,000, of which the receipts are expected to furnish $20,000, the net loss of $20,000 being considered merely a contribution to science in America, in the same manner that an endowment might be made to Harvard University for a professorship in some deparment of science. - [Ex.
Yale students were permitted to view the transit through the college telescope.
Lacrosse will soon be the required study in Eastern colleges. Foot-ball, base-ball and boating are elective. - [Ex.
Harvard will indulge in a Physical Laboratory costing $115,000. This is not intended to furnish physical training for the boat crews. - [Ex.
The concerts to be given by the Mueller-Campanari String Quartette are in their plan to be modelled after those given in Berlin by the Joachim Quartette.
Some of the faculty at Yale reserve the right of marking lower than zero, by means of minus signs, when the ignorance exhibited by the student is too abysmal. - [Ex.
The London Daily News understands that one of the masters of Eaton has been required by the head master to suppress his book entitled "Notes of a Tour in Ireland," on pain of dismissal from his position.
Over 100 students have left Madison University at Hamilton, N. Y., owing to the prevalence of diphtheria. Two students have died, and six more are sick, while the disease appears to be spreading in the village.
The executive committee of the Boat Club has made the following decision with regard to scientific men: "That all such men who attend prayers and are otherwise governed by the regulations of the college faculty, may row in the class boats, provided they commence to row in the freshman crew during their first year in college. Unless they thus commence to row they will not be allowed in the class boats at all.
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