

R. Coit, '83, J. B. Wilson, '84, and J. L. Mitchell, '85, have been chosen delegates to represent the Christian Brethen at the Y. M. C. A. convention at Charlestown.

The foot-ball team will play the Institute of Technology on Holmes Field at 4 P. M. Our team will be made up as follows: Rushers-Kendall, Morison, Cabot, Appleton, Hammond, Ayres and Wesselhoeft; quarter back - Mason; half backs - Edmunds and Bradford; back - Codman.

At a meeting of the Harvard Cricket Club last night the following officers were elected: President, L. A. Biddle, '84; vice-president, H. Binney, '83; secretary and treasurer, S. Wyeth, 84; captain, J. S. Clark.

The following are the names of the second ten in the Everett Athenaeum of '85: H. C. Beaman, R. Aldrich, F. S. Haines, R. S. Gorham, S. L. Foster, J. M. Goodale, R. W. Boyden, E. J. Sartelle, P. E. Presbrey, G. R. Blinn.

A brick tunnel is being made between Matthews and Grays for the steam-pipe. It is of a size large enough to allow a man to repair any leakage or breakage that may occur to the pipe.


At a meeting of the Base-Ball Association in lower Massachusetts last evening, H. R. Edwards, '83, was elected president for the ensuing year; G. M. Davis, '83, vice-president and scorer, and T. J. Coolidge, '84, manager. The question of withdrawing from the college league was referred for consideration to the executive committee, the sense of the meeting appearing to be against the proposition.

The janitors as a rule are very obliging in lending tools, step-ladders, etc., to the students. Of late there has been considerable inconvenience afforded both janitor and students by delay on the part of some to return such articles. One janitor has posted up notices asking all those who have borrowed tools of him to return them. If all would return tools as soon as through with them it would be a kindness to all parties concerned; a little thought will easily secure this end.
