The Massachusetts House of Representatives held their annual banquet at Young's last evening. Speeches were made by Speaker Noyes, Clerk Marden and others.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg states that Prince Lobanoff, the Russian ambassador at London, will be recalled and will be intrusted with an important post, possibly the chancellor-ship.
It is not likely that Gen. Grant will accept the President's invitation to become his guest before the latter part of March, when he expects to stop at the White House for a few days prior to making a visit to the South.
Yesterday was one of the coldest days for many years, as the following indicates: Troy, N. Y., 14 to 20 deg. below; Schuylerville, N. Y., 32 below; Luzerne, N. Y., 36 below; Syracuse, N. Y., 24 below; Bangor, Me., 20 below; Rixford, Me., 24 below; Manchester, N. H., 22 below; wind, 60 miles an hour.
Miss Maud Jones, a member of the Fox Novelty Theatre Co., cowhided T. J. Wood, editor of the Middletown (O.) Signal, on Monday last.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 25, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, the Middle States and lower lake region, slowly rising temperature, increasing cloudiness and snow, easterly to southerly winds and falling barometer.