Small-pox is spreading rapidly in Pittsburg, Pa.
Sixteen persons were killed by dynamite at Port Vendres yesterday.
The bill to punish prize fighting passed the Mississippi senate yesterday.
The thermometer at Saranac Lake, N. Y., yesterday was 40 deg. below zero.
The first measures for the suppression of polygamy in Utah have been taken.
Gen. Silas Casey, U. S. A. was buried from Lafayette-avenue Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Secretary of State entertained at dinner last night the President, Senator Anthony, and a few friends.
A verdict of $16,000 was rendered against Mrs. A. T. Stewart in New York yesterday, a suit for damages.
$10,000 has already been guaranteed to defray the expenses of the American Rifle Team to England this summer.
Last evening the Boston Caledonian Club celebrated the 123d anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, in Horticultural Hall.
The Boston Druggists' Association ate their annual supper at the Revere House last evening, and elected officers for the ensuing year.
Lord Lieut. Cowper has refused to permit the presentation of the freedom of Dublin to Messrs. Parnell and Dillon within Kilmainham jail.
Porter made an eloquent presentation yesterday of the government case in the Guiteau trial. He compared the assassin to a rattlesnake.
The low tide has exposed acres of oyster beds in the vicinity of New York, and the extreme cold has frozen the oysters. An oyster famine is predicted.
A large fire broke out in Woonsocket, R. I., at about 4 o'clock this morning. The railway station and a large brick block adjoining were entirely consumed.
The Massachusetts House of Representatives held their annual banquet at Young's last evening. Speeches were made by Speaker Noyes, Clerk Marden and others.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg states that Prince Lobanoff, the Russian ambassador at London, will be recalled and will be intrusted with an important post, possibly the chancellor-ship.
It is not likely that Gen. Grant will accept the President's invitation to become his guest before the latter part of March, when he expects to stop at the White House for a few days prior to making a visit to the South.
Yesterday was one of the coldest days for many years, as the following indicates: Troy, N. Y., 14 to 20 deg. below; Schuylerville, N. Y., 32 below; Luzerne, N. Y., 36 below; Syracuse, N. Y., 24 below; Bangor, Me., 20 below; Rixford, Me., 24 below; Manchester, N. H., 22 below; wind, 60 miles an hour.
Miss Maud Jones, a member of the Fox Novelty Theatre Co., cowhided T. J. Wood, editor of the Middletown (O.) Signal, on Monday last.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 25, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, the Middle States and lower lake region, slowly rising temperature, increasing cloudiness and snow, easterly to southerly winds and falling barometer.
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