For the same rea-son that the proc-tor's face is glad.
Yes; I see you re-mem-ber your les-sons;
What is a tu-tor?
A man who puts cards on fen-ces and trees and boards and -
Yes; that is right; now tell me in one word about all tu-tors.
They are all com-pe-tent.
And where do they come-from?
They come from Ger-man-y.
CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS.Mr. Pach offers to furnish cabinet photographs of the senior class and former members at fifteen cents each, provided that fifty members order the whole class and some former members, say from 190 to 200 class portraits. Those desiring to take advantage of this liberal offer will send in their names, as soon as possible, to the committee, No. 10 Hilton's Block, or at Pach's Studio.