

A young lady accustomed to steam radiators writes to ask "What our stove smokes?" Why, the stove pipe of course.

Mr. Wilson, a graduate of Harvard, is reported as about to assume Prof. Lyman's duties for the rest of the term. - [News.

Lost - A dark, reddish-brown woollen glove, for right hand. Finder will please leave at table No. 7 Memorial, or at Drury's.

The centennial celebration of the birth of Daniel Webster was held at Parker's last night. Many distinguished men were present.

The annual dinner of the Alumni Association of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be held at Young's Hotel this evening.


The first entertainment of the Boston Bicycle Club will be given Jan. 25, at the new club house on Union Park. The entertainment will be a mosaic musicale.

In spite of the atmospheric frigidity, Harvard still seems to attract almost as many visitors as usual. Always be ready to sacrifice yourself to acting the guide-post or cicerone.

Much difficulty is found at the gymnasium in getting a pleasurable mean of temperature in the water in the shower-bath room. It usually seems determined to be either scalding hot, or icy cold.

Oscar Wilde's poems and aesthetic lecture have been issued in the Seaside Library, 10 cents. We suspect Oscar is now in favor of international copyright. He will visit Boston the latter part of this month, and we hope may be induced to call at Harvard.

In the basement of the gymnasium is a repository for all small articles which have been found from time to time. There has already accumulated a curious collection of gymnastic impedimenta, from which one could easily select a complete gymnastic outfit.

THE HERALD PRIMER.Is not this a glad face?

Oh, yes; it is a glad face.

Why is the face glad?

Because it is a tu-tor's.

Why is the tu-tor's face glad?
