

Attendant to OEdipus Mr. Alex. Corbett, Jr.

Antigone Miss Gertrude Calef

Ismene Miss Lulu Calef

Coryphaeus Mr. Preston Wilcox


Among many things found in the Mechanics fair building after the Tigers' ball, were two gold bracelets, one cape overcoat, two overcoats, a Japanese fan, a shawl, three lace handkerchiefs, and a man's felt hat.

The Brown University Base Ball Club will this year be under the direction of the manager elected by the directors chosen from the classes.

At the business meeting of the Pierian Sodality, last Friday evening, M. L. Bradford '85, was elected assistant secretary, and a committee was appointed to consider the names of the candidates for the leadership.

Miss Hautboy to Harvard senior: "Oh, I recently saw one of your professors with a suspicious looking bottle."

H. S.: "Well, perhaps he wanted to use the contents to preserve specimens."

Miss H.: "Oh no, he was a professor of classics, not a scientific man; but then he may have wanted to preserve some Greek roots."
