

Meeting of Delta M. tonight at 7.15 in Sever 18.

The Pierian Sodality will give a coffee party shortly after the semis.

George calls his chum "To Rent" because he's always unoccupied.

The sale of seats for "OEdipus Tyrannus" at the Globe, will begin tomorrow.

During the first thirteen days of this year, twelve murderers were executed.


Only three men were conditioned at the Christmas examinations. - [News.

The Yale Sheffield freshmen number about eighteen less than before Christmas.

Some slight repairs have been made upon the roof of the chapel to stop certain leaks.

There is entirely too much noise among the waiters at the hall during the late breakfast hour.

The store-keepers in College Block are to be commended for sprinkling sawdust upon the icy sidewalks.

Mr. W. N. Davis will lecture before the Boston Natural History Society, January 18, on "Classification of Lake Basins."

At the meeting of the Everett Athenaeum next Friday evening, a farce, entitled "A Tragedy in Seven Dials" will be given.

The officers of the Athletic Association have decided to hold three winter meetings, two of which will probably be ladies' days.

During next week, and until the mid-year examinations are over, Mr. Sargent will not make any appointments in elocution with sophomores.

The Glee Club was invited to sing in Somerville Jan. 30, at the high school reunion, but was obliged to decline on account of the mid-years.

James Notman has his Harvard studio at No. 7 Brattle street. The studio will be kept open permanently, and low rates are extended to students.

There will be a semi-annual examination in English 2. Examinations in English courses will be omitted only in those courses taken by a few men.

A revised edition of what is sometimes called the freshman bible, otherwise known as the regulations of Yale College, appeared this morning. - [News.

The students of Boston University had a general jubilee last Friday, the day on which the $2,000,000 bequest of Hon. Isaac Rich came into the possession of the trustees.

Mr. King's "Final Issue" of the Register is still meeting with favorable comment, and a large sale. "Our French Visitors," from the same publisher, has also met with great success.

The Mr. H. K. Norman, who recently left the Law School, is not Mr. Henry Norman, author of the Greek play, as has been stated. Mr. Henry Norman went to England several weeks ago.

The following is the only correct cast of characters that has yet been published of the Greek play, to be presented at the Globe Theatre next Monday:

OEdipus Mr. George Riddle

Jocasta Miss Georgia Cayvan

Creon Mr. Lewis Morrison

Teiresias and Messenger from Corinth, J. F. Hagan

Messenger from the Palace Mr. P. Chas. Hagar

Priest of Zeus,

Shepherd, Mr. J. J. Hayes

Attendant to OEdipus Mr. Alex. Corbett, Jr.

Antigone Miss Gertrude Calef

Ismene Miss Lulu Calef

Coryphaeus Mr. Preston Wilcox

Among many things found in the Mechanics fair building after the Tigers' ball, were two gold bracelets, one cape overcoat, two overcoats, a Japanese fan, a shawl, three lace handkerchiefs, and a man's felt hat.

The Brown University Base Ball Club will this year be under the direction of the manager elected by the directors chosen from the classes.

At the business meeting of the Pierian Sodality, last Friday evening, M. L. Bradford '85, was elected assistant secretary, and a committee was appointed to consider the names of the candidates for the leadership.

Miss Hautboy to Harvard senior: "Oh, I recently saw one of your professors with a suspicious looking bottle."

H. S.: "Well, perhaps he wanted to use the contents to preserve specimens."

Miss H.: "Oh no, he was a professor of classics, not a scientific man; but then he may have wanted to preserve some Greek roots."
