More like to run the country base. - Cymbeline.
- Bowdoin Orient.MR. P. T. BRYAN has been elected captain of the Princeton Football Team.
THE Pi Eta Society, graduates and others, played "Our Boys" at Waltham on Wednesday last before a large and brilliant audience.
HAD Dr. Brooks accepted the professorship at Harvard, the students would have gained something more than the advantage of his presence. For, with his arrival, prayers and church attendance would have been made voluntary, as he would have made this a condition of his acceptance of Harvard's call.
WE give the following items from the Sporting Column, which was crowded out of this issue and also of the last: -
ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS.D. '83. In regard to your questions: "I. What is the record of P. Davin of the Carrick-on-Suir F. B. C., at the running high jump? 2. What is his height? 3. What is his weight in fair condition? 4. Does he run at the bar straight or diagonally?" We give the following answers, on the authority of the athletic editor of the Spirit: 1. 6 ft. 2 3/4 in.; 2. 5 ft. 11 3/4 in.; 3. 166 lbs.; 4. Perfectly straight.
Runner, '83. 1. What is Myers's height? 2. What did he weigh when he made his quarter-mile in 49 1-5 s.? Ans. 1. 5 ft. 7 3/4 in.; 2. 114 lbs.