

THE N. Y. Evening Post prints a very sensible editorial article upon Dr. Brooks's call to Harvard.

MR. W. H. DUNBAR, '82, read a thorough and appreciative paper on "Burke," in English 7, last Wednesday.

THE subscription book of the University Boat Club has been placed in Bartlett's, for the convenience of those who were not at the meeting last Wednesday night.

THE game between the 'Varsity and Freshmen, which was to have taken place last Monday, was deferred on account of Mr. Folsom's inability to pitch.

THE Amherst Glee Club is fast acquiring a notable reputation. It has even travelled to Oberlin. We wonder that the Faculty of that back-action college allowed such levity within its hallowed walls.


THE music to the OEdipus Tyrannus of Sophocles for male chorus and orchestra, by Professor John Knowles Paine, Op. 35, is for sale at the store of Arthur P. Schmidt, 146 Tremont St.

'TIS not the gold of your hair, sweet maid,

Nor your silver voice that my heart doth win;

'Tis not the flash of your wit of steel,

But 'tis - your dear, sick, old papa's tin.

THE Glee Club Concert is to take place on Wednesday evening, May 4, at 8 P.M. We understand the tickets are selling well, and judging from the programme we can expect the best concert ever given.

THE story, "Rebecca's Tendency," in the Vassar Miscellany for April, can hold its own beside any short story in the current magazines. The Miscellany is to be found in the Harvard Union Reading-room, on the magazine table.

SEVENTEEN Yale editors have started out in pursuit of "Smintheus." New York beer-saloons anticipate a lively trade. It is rumored that President P-rt-r has offered them their degrees outright, if they will not return to New Haven.

THE Harvard Union meets next Tuesday, April 26, at 7.30 o'clock, in Sever Hall. The question is: Resolved, That the construction of the proposed Panama Ship Canal, under the auspices of and through a charter from any foreign government, is hostile to the established policy of the United States; is inconsistent with the spirit and declaration of the Monroe doctrine; and cannot be sanctioned or assented to by the United States Government. The disputants are, for the affirmative, Messrs. Jameson, '81, and Bradley, '82; for the negative, Messrs. Hart, '80, and White, '83. The public is invited.

THERE was a rumor current in Cambridge yesterday, that President Eliot had resigned.
