

1/4-mile Run E. J. Wendell 55 1/5 S.

Running High Jump A. C. Denniston 5 ft. 1 1/2 in.

Standing High Jump W. Soren 5 ft. 1 1/2 in.

Standing Broad Jump W. Soren 10 ft. 1 1/8 in.


In the above tables only the names which are to be engraved on the cup have been given. The winners of the other events, with their records and the names of their colleges, will be found by referring to the Crimson of June 18, 1880 (Vol. XV., No. 9).

* If graduate events are to be counted, Princeton ties Columbia in this year; but we feel that, in the contest for the cup, undergraduate events alone ought to count; and so give the championship title for 1878 to Columbia, all of whose seven events were won by undergraduates.

* Columbia also secured one graduate event in this year, in addition to her winning list.
