

FALL MEETING OF THE H. A. A.THE Fall Meeting of the H. A. A. took place last Wednesday, and was in every way a great success.

The first event was the mile race, which was called promptly at four.

The entries were as follows: R. M. Bradley, '82 W. H. Herrick, '82, H. E. Smith, '82, and R. A. Macready. All but Macready started. Bradley was an easy winner in 5 min. 17 3/4 sec., with Herrick second. The next event was a 100-yards dash for all who have never beaten 11 sec. There were twelve entries. Two men however, failed to appear. The first trial heat was won by Snow, '82, in 11 1/4 sec., the second by G. Cary, S. S., in 11 1/2 sec., the third by George Kemp, '84, in 11 3/4 sec., and the fourth by W. Edmands, in 11 1/2 sec.

The 120-yards hurdle race was prettily won by G. R. Agassiz, in 19 1/4 sec. For the 100-yards dash, open only to members of the Football Team, there were nine entries. Keith was the only one who did not start. The first heat was won by R. M. Appleton, '84, in 12 1/4 sec., the second by Thacher, '82, in 12 1/2 sec., and the third by Edmands, in 11 1/2 sec.

The next race was the 1/2-mile run, and was taken by Goodwin, '84, who defeated Coolidge. '84, in the remarkable time of 2 min. 3 3/4 sec., which is one second and a quarter faster than any American College record previously made.


The pole vaulting came next, and was easily won by H. G. Mandell, who stopped at 7 ft. 6 in.

The final heat of the 100-yards dash, 11 seconds limit, was won by Edmands in 11 sec., with Cary a good second.

For the 220-yards dash, open to undergraduates from any college, E. J. Wendell of Harvard, and B. F. Yates of Williams appeared. Wendell won in 24 1/2 sec.

The 1/4-mile, barring all who had a record of 55 sec. or better, was won by G. R. Agassiz, in 56 1/2 sec.

The final heat of the 100-yards dash for football men was won by Edmands in 11 1/2 sec., with Thacher second. Edmands also took first place in the 1/4-mile for football men, with Morison second.

The entries for the 1/5-mile hurdle race closed at the post, and were as follows: B. F. Yates, Williams College A. C.; P. T. Haupt, H. A. A.; A. C. Denniston, H. A. A., and W. H. Page, H. A. A. The former won in 57 3/4 sec.

In each event the prizes were silver medals to the first, and bronze medals to the second, man. A special gold best-on-record medal was given to Goodwin for lowering the best American College record.

The officers of the course were: Referee, Prof. J. W. White; Judges, Dr. Sargent, H. G. Leavitt, '82; Gordon Fellows, '82; Time-keepers, J. G. Lathrop and E. A. Church, U. A. C., C. R. Sanger, '81; Starter, J. M. D. Gordon, Ottawa F. B. C.; Measurers, G. E. Lowell, '83, and W. F. Wesselhoeft, '84; Scorer, H. G. Chapin, '82; Clerk of the Course, M. S. Crehore, '82; Assistant Clerk of the Course, W. M. Burr, '84.


PASSING down the Main Street
