

SUNDAY permits may now be obtained at the office.

THE Pierian and Glee Club have together hired Roberts Hall.

THE Echo now has an office where the exchanges are kept on file.

MR. H. D. ROBBINS, '84, has been elected a business editor of the Crimson.

HONORARY members of the Glee Club and Pierian from '83 will soon be elected.


FORENSICS from the first section of the Junior class are due on November 2.

THOSE who want the Crimson delivered will oblige us by leaving their names at Sever's.

MR. CAREY'S singing classes will begin about November 1, in Boylston Hall, due notice of which will be given.

CONTRIBUTORS are again reminded that anonymous contributions can under no circumstances receive notice from the editors of the Crimson.

IT is said that the author of "How I Was Poisoned" will shortly publish articles entitled, "My First Tin Whistle," "My Second Tooth," and "How I Caught the Mumps."

THE next debate in English 6 is on the following subject: Resolved, That a law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, such as that known as the Maine Prohibitory Law, is sound in principle.

PEACEABLY disposed persons were somewhat alarmed to find cabalistic notices posted in the Yard and at Memorial Hall last week to this effect: -

Delivered to S

ubscrib-ers at th

eir rooms Brown Game Lacrosse vs Tennisready at 4

It was feared that this was a Nihilistic plot for the destruction of the Faculty, but as nothing noteworthy came of the announcement, the fears of the College public were at length quieted.

THE Johns Hopkins University has 142 students.

WE play Columbia at Cambridge on the 9th of November.

THE launch which was built for Yale last year at a cost of $2,300 has proved a failure.

AT Amherst, students who attend nine tenths of the recitations need not try the examinations.

JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. are about to issue a "large-paper edition" of their American Actor Series.

EXAMINATIONS in Analytic Geometry for those who were absent from the final last June were held this morning.

ONE hundred copies of Osgood's fine edition of Etchings will be exquisitely printed on China paper by the University Press.

OUR football game with Yale takes place the 12th of November, at New Haven. We hope that we shall be able to present our strongest team.

THOSE who subscribe for the Crimson after buying the first or second numbers can have their money refunded at Sever's, at the time of subscribing.

THE last Columbia Spectator, in an editorial, advises Columbia to confine her attention to the formation of an eight, in order, if possible, to defeat Harvard.

PACH has issued photographs of the late President and of Francklyn cottage, both of which are remarkably good, the President having expressed his satisfaction with the former.

As our Joe seated himself at the piano, he knocked over a vase that stood upon it. "Playing a knocked urn?" asked one of the company. "No," said Joe, "that is only a jar gone." - Ex.

THE Globe of the 21st instant contained a very well-written article, "Muscle and Brains," upon the excellent service Dr. Sargent is rendering the University in his wise management of the Gymnasium.

FALL MEETING OF THE H. A. A.THE Fall Meeting of the H. A. A. took place last Wednesday, and was in every way a great success.

The first event was the mile race, which was called promptly at four.

The entries were as follows: R. M. Bradley, '82 W. H. Herrick, '82, H. E. Smith, '82, and R. A. Macready. All but Macready started. Bradley was an easy winner in 5 min. 17 3/4 sec., with Herrick second. The next event was a 100-yards dash for all who have never beaten 11 sec. There were twelve entries. Two men however, failed to appear. The first trial heat was won by Snow, '82, in 11 1/4 sec., the second by G. Cary, S. S., in 11 1/2 sec., the third by George Kemp, '84, in 11 3/4 sec., and the fourth by W. Edmands, in 11 1/2 sec.

The 120-yards hurdle race was prettily won by G. R. Agassiz, in 19 1/4 sec. For the 100-yards dash, open only to members of the Football Team, there were nine entries. Keith was the only one who did not start. The first heat was won by R. M. Appleton, '84, in 12 1/4 sec., the second by Thacher, '82, in 12 1/2 sec., and the third by Edmands, in 11 1/2 sec.

The next race was the 1/2-mile run, and was taken by Goodwin, '84, who defeated Coolidge. '84, in the remarkable time of 2 min. 3 3/4 sec., which is one second and a quarter faster than any American College record previously made.

The pole vaulting came next, and was easily won by H. G. Mandell, who stopped at 7 ft. 6 in.

The final heat of the 100-yards dash, 11 seconds limit, was won by Edmands in 11 sec., with Cary a good second.

For the 220-yards dash, open to undergraduates from any college, E. J. Wendell of Harvard, and B. F. Yates of Williams appeared. Wendell won in 24 1/2 sec.

The 1/4-mile, barring all who had a record of 55 sec. or better, was won by G. R. Agassiz, in 56 1/2 sec.

The final heat of the 100-yards dash for football men was won by Edmands in 11 1/2 sec., with Thacher second. Edmands also took first place in the 1/4-mile for football men, with Morison second.

The entries for the 1/5-mile hurdle race closed at the post, and were as follows: B. F. Yates, Williams College A. C.; P. T. Haupt, H. A. A.; A. C. Denniston, H. A. A., and W. H. Page, H. A. A. The former won in 57 3/4 sec.

In each event the prizes were silver medals to the first, and bronze medals to the second, man. A special gold best-on-record medal was given to Goodwin for lowering the best American College record.

The officers of the course were: Referee, Prof. J. W. White; Judges, Dr. Sargent, H. G. Leavitt, '82; Gordon Fellows, '82; Time-keepers, J. G. Lathrop and E. A. Church, U. A. C., C. R. Sanger, '81; Starter, J. M. D. Gordon, Ottawa F. B. C.; Measurers, G. E. Lowell, '83, and W. F. Wesselhoeft, '84; Scorer, H. G. Chapin, '82; Clerk of the Course, M. S. Crehore, '82; Assistant Clerk of the Course, W. M. Burr, '84.


PASSING down the Main Street

Of our pleasant college-town;

Looking in the windows,

Where the curtains are n't pulled down,

Seeing pretty pictures

Of the life and love they frame;

May be happiness is

Something more than just a name

Sipping champagne foaming

From a crystal beaker high;

Kissing lightly red lips,

Tempting, smiling, and so nigh;

Lots of lovely waltzers,

Never twice the same;

Surely happiness is

Something more than just a name.

W. F. K.WE agree with Dogberry that "comparisons are oderous," but it seems to us that the last number of the Acta was by far the brightest of any of the Exchanges we have received thus far. We have been in a state of perpetual smile ever since we read the adventures of the Acta representative at Vassar.

THE Yale Courant was up to its usual standard of excellence. It devotes a page to base-ball matters, and about a column to a very sensible article urging undergraduates to write more for the college papers, and to pay more attention to literary work in general.
