

MR. RIDDLE will read the following selections in the Sanders Theatre, on Thursday, May 27, at 8 o'clock: -


Scenes from "Midsummer Night's Dream," Shakspere.

Nancy's Death from "Oliver Twist." Dickens.



The Small Tea-Party from "Nicholas Nickleby," Dickens.

The Bugle Tennyson.

The Canal Boat Mrs. Stowe.

Mother and Poet Mrs. Browning.

The Cataract of Lodore Southey.

Cleopatra's Dream Story.

Students and also the public will be admitted without charge. There should be a large attendance at this opportunity that Mr. Riddle so kindly offers us of hearing him read in Cambridge.

THE Class Committees wish it restated that on Class Day the Yard will be roped off at five P.M., and all persons without a ticket will be removed from the Yard. There will be a strong effort made to keep "Muckers" out of the Yard.

THEY want a "chair of dancing" indorsed forth-with at Chicago University.

THE examinations in Greek 4, which is to take the place of the final examination for candidates for second-year honors, will be held Thursday, May 27.

THE following statement was sent to the Crimson from the Library: Much annoyance to users of the Library-has been occasioned by the acts of certain persons in abstracting or concealing reserved and reference books. The Library authorities having taken steps to discover such transgressors, a member of the Senior class was caught, and he has been subjected to due penalty by decree of the Faculty. The general body of students, who have been the chief sufferers in this way, may be congratulated on the prospect of a close of such proceedings.
