

THE steam launch is daily expected.

THE II H will spread in Massachusetts Hall.

THE 'Varsity are being coached in pair oars.

THE Signet will spread in the north entry of Thayer.

THE Freshman shell came last Friday. It is rather small.


THERE are 1,494 students at Columbia, - 278 in the college proper.

THE '80 Class Fund has reached $7,700, and is still growing. The College Fund is now $2,500.

THE Cricket Club will play the Lawrence Club to-morrow and the Portsmouth on Wednesday next

SEVER Hall has not been engaged for a spread on Class Day. It will be open for public inspection.

"WHAT is the uniform condition of the superior planets?" Mr. O. They are always full. - Nassau Lit.

FRESHMEN who intend to anticipate required rhetoric should meet the instructor in U. 17 at twelve, to-morrow.

ON Thursday, the 27th, at three o'clock, Mr. Perry will be in U. 2 to receive belated themes and to return themes to Seniors.

THE Freshman Crew will not abandon practice in their barge till within two weeks of their race with Columbia.

THERE is much dissatisfaction in parts of the Freshman Class with the conduct of some members of their Nine.

THE captain of the Freshman Crew has written to Columbia requesting that the date of the Freshman race may be changed from June 5 to June 7.

THE first Freshman game with Yale will be played to-morrow at New Haven. It is to be hoped that a large number of Harvard men will be present.

THE Annual Celebration of the Hasty Pudding Club takes place this afternoon in Sanders Theatre. Mr. J. Quincy delivers the oration, and Mr. W. G. Pellew recites the poem.

THERE will be a private spread in the Gymnasium in the afternoon, and in the evening the Class Committee has arranged for dancing there, so as to prevent crowding the floor at Memorial.

THE Executive Committee of the Association of the Alumni have formally requested the Senior Class to furnish nothing stronger than claret punch on Commencement Day. An answer has been sent, to the effect that the class of '80 does not entertain at Commencement this year, but is entertained by the class of '79.

THE tin roof of Weld is being repainted.

THE Tabular View is delayed on account of rhetoric and themes. It will be ready, however, in a few days.

THE Boat Club has received an invitation to send a four to row in the four-oared race between Columbia and Cornell.

BETWEEN seventy-five and a hundred dollars were stolen from the lockers of the Boat House on the day of the races.

Prof. Please name some gases. Student. Oxygen and hydrogen. Prof. Any other kind of 'gen'? Student. Yes, sir, Holland gin. Fact. - Courant.

PROF. J. W. WHITE will hold his last recitations in Greek 2 and Greek 3 Tuesday, May 25, as he is to take charge of the examinations for women to be held in New York.

SENIORS who have written Commencement parts may obtain them at U. 5, and also paper of uniform size, on which fair copies of the parts must be made and left at the Secretary's office.

THE Nine left for Princeton yesterday at 6.30. They will play in the following positions: Winsor, H., Folsom, P., Shattuck, A., Coolidge, B., Alger, C., Jackson, S., Olmsted, L., Nichols, M., Leavitt, R.

THE following gentlemen have charge of the H. P. C. theatricals: Acting Manager, C. Sprague; Stage Manager, P. Evarts; Musical Manager, E. P. Mason; Prompter, DeL. Rochester; Property Manager, A. Harvey.

THE Yale University Crew has been chosen. They are as follows: J. B. Collins, bow; N. T. Guernsey, No. 2; L. K. Hull, No. 3; P. C. Fuller, No. 4; F. W. Rogers, No. 5; S. B. Rogers (Captain) No. 6; C. B. Storrs, No. 7; H. T. Folsom, stroke. Average age is 21.3; height, 6 feet; weight, 189 1/3 pounds, the heaviest crew Yale has had for several years.

THERE have been several refusals to lend rooms to Seniors for Class Day, as the occupants intend to invite their friends to be present. We need hardly point out the ill breeding which such a course makes manifest, and we hope that all other undergraduates will unite in an effort to make '80's Class Day as pleasant as possible.

WILY Sophomore kindly consents to supply the place of an Absent Friend, and sacrifice himself by replying to A. F. 's name at lecture in Pol. Econ. 14. Professor unfortunately recognizes him. Prof. loq. Ah, Mr. Cutts, you are not in this elective, are you? Mr. Cutts. Well, no, sir, but I heard the lectures were so very interesting I thought I 'd like to just drop in. Prof. all smiles, but A. F. has to take his absence.

THE account of the Harvard Dining Association for the month of April is as follows: -


Expenditures $10,028.84

Stock on hand April 1 1,754.02


Total 11,782.86


Stock on hand May 1 $1,671.50

Receipts 1,214.57

Balance 8,896.79


Total 11,782.86

Price of board per week, $4.15.

MR. RIDDLE will read the following selections in the Sanders Theatre, on Thursday, May 27, at 8 o'clock: -


Scenes from "Midsummer Night's Dream," Shakspere.

Nancy's Death from "Oliver Twist." Dickens.


The Small Tea-Party from "Nicholas Nickleby," Dickens.

The Bugle Tennyson.

The Canal Boat Mrs. Stowe.

Mother and Poet Mrs. Browning.

The Cataract of Lodore Southey.

Cleopatra's Dream Story.

Students and also the public will be admitted without charge. There should be a large attendance at this opportunity that Mr. Riddle so kindly offers us of hearing him read in Cambridge.

THE Class Committees wish it restated that on Class Day the Yard will be roped off at five P.M., and all persons without a ticket will be removed from the Yard. There will be a strong effort made to keep "Muckers" out of the Yard.

THEY want a "chair of dancing" indorsed forth-with at Chicago University.

THE examinations in Greek 4, which is to take the place of the final examination for candidates for second-year honors, will be held Thursday, May 27.

THE following statement was sent to the Crimson from the Library: Much annoyance to users of the Library-has been occasioned by the acts of certain persons in abstracting or concealing reserved and reference books. The Library authorities having taken steps to discover such transgressors, a member of the Senior class was caught, and he has been subjected to due penalty by decree of the Faculty. The general body of students, who have been the chief sufferers in this way, may be congratulated on the prospect of a close of such proceedings.
