

THE February number of the Register will contain articles by the Rev. Dr. A. P. Peabody, Rev. Dr. George Z. Gray, Professor Josiah D. Whitney, Professor Charles C. Everett, Professor F. H. Storer, Professor N. S. Shaler, Justin Winsor, John Kirke, Arthur Gilman, Dr. B. Joy Jeffries, and Dr. D. A. Sargent.

DIVINITY SCHOOL: Class in Hebrew.

Prof. (to hesitating student). - You do think Balaam's ass did speak slow as that?

(Student unable to say.)

Prof. (facetiously). - You do allow, then, an ass to know more Hebrew than you?


Student (suddenly inspired). - Yes, sir, very probably, more Hebrew and less English. - Ex.

Tutor. - Your writing is so wretched, sir, that I can't make anything out of it. How have you rendered Caesaris bonae leges?

Sub-Freshman. - Why, "the bony legs of Caesar," I believe, sir. (Small earthquake.) - Ex.

THE managers of the H. U. B. B. C. have not made any arrangement for transferring the case of trophies to the new Gymnasium, as was originally planned. Besides this, the balls that were won last year have never been put in the case, - a negligence that has occasioned some comment among those who are interested in the preservation of memorials of our victories.

THE "Academy," speaking of Prof. Goodwin's Greek Grammar, an enlarged and revised edition of which is to be issued shortly by Messrs. Macmillan & Co., says: "The same author's Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb has already made a name for itself in this country; but his Grammar is as yet unknown here. Such a work from a scholar of recognized eminence on the subject will, no doubt, attract attention."

ATTENTION is called to the advertisement of Dr. Tourjee's Conservatory of Music on page vii. This establishment is well adapted to meet the musical wants of Harvard men.
