

THE Library needs a permanent fund for salaries, cataloguing, and bibliographical printing.

DR. STILLE, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, has resigned. His successor is not decided on.

BEFORE the arms and equipments of the H. R. C. were removed to the new Gymnasium, four rifles were stolen.

YALE has refused to join the Intercollegiate Base-Ball Association unless Richmond, the Brown professional, "pulls out."

IT is not true that the recent fire in the Chemical Laboratory was set by the Echo editor in the room for the sake of an item.


A LARGE part of the expenses of the Museum of Comparative Zoology is paid by Mr. Agassiz out of his own private fortune.

REV. PHILLIPS BROOKS will address the Society of Christian Brethren at St. John's Chapel, next Sunday evening, at 7.30.

THE invested funds of the University amounted, on Aug. 31, 1879, to $3,902,181.73, the income of which for the current year was $205,313.64.

THE income of the Bussey Institution is not sufficient to pay its instructors this year, and some of them have consented to serve without pay.

PROFESSOR JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL has been appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Great Britain.

BOWDOIN has a new boat-house, costing $575.

PROFESSOR TROWBRIDGE has gone to New York to witness Edison's experiments.

THE subjects for the Fifth Sophomore Theme are: (1) The Use of Translations, (2) Mr. James's Novels, (3) The Value of Literary Criticism.

THE Class Committee wish all Seniors who have not already had their class photographs taken to do so immediately, as Mr. Notman desires to finish all of the photographs at once, if possible.

THE rules of the bowling-alleys are very unsatisfactory. Already men are taking advantage of the ticket system, and it is to be hoped that the rules of the old Gymnasium will be adopted.
