

"THE Sad Tale of the Class of 19 - " in the last Crimson should have been put down as "After Mark Twain," but the sub-heading was omitted by mistake.

A FRESHMAN was recently summoned to the Dean's office, and was heard to say, "I have come to see the Dean. Shall I need an introduction?" (Fact.)

AFTER February tickets to the baths in Matthews, at fifty cents per month, will be sold by Mr. Balch at his office in the north entry of Matthews.

MEMBERS of Phil. I. will prepare a Thesis on Berkeley's Introduction, Fraser's edition, pp. 9 - 28, and present it on Wednesday, February 26.

THE reception which the Amherst boys planned to give to the fair students of Smith College was nipped in the bud by the Presidents of both institutions.


PACH, the "Harvard Photographer," was in Washington last week, and succeeded in photographing the whole Cabinet in session, a feat which has never been accomplished before.

TICKETS are now ready for the first lecture of the Natural History Society. The lecture will be given on March 6, and will be on the "Earliest Maps of the American Continent."

PETITIONS granted February 17: Seniors, 20; Juniors, 25; Sophomores, 26; Freshmen, 59. The Semi-annuals account for the falling off in the number of petitions of the three upper classes.

THE Columbia Freshmen have voted to let the Captain of the University pick out their class crew, and that the crew shall choose its own captain.

THE book of names at Bartlett's for the Sophomore Class supper will positively be closed on Thursday evening. The price of the tickets does not include wine.

THE Alumni of Williams held their annual reunion in Boston on Wednesday evening. Dr. Peabody and Professor William Everett were present as invited guests.

THIS is a specimen of what the New York Graphic can do: "Harvard, instead of rowing across the high seas, will challenge either Columbia or Cornell, - the high C's of American Colleges."

THE officers of the Christian Brethren for the next half-year are: President, W. D. Hyde, '79; Secretary, F. W. Baker, '81; Treasurer, W. B. Hill, '79; Librarian, G. W. Dickerman, '81.

AT a meeting of the second-year class of the Medical School, called to take action on the death of Leopold Lobsitz, a series of resolutions were adopted, and arrangements made for a class floral offering.

THE Executive Committee of the Freshman Class to make the arrangements for the race with Columbia are Captain Bartlett and Mr. F. Warren. Mr. G. W. Williams is Secretary and Treasurer.
