"MASS. I."
THE Borsair is slowly recovering.
COATS are being stolen from the Law School.
DR. PEABODY has been lecturing in Washington.
THE University Press building is advertised for sale or to let
THE Arion Quartette gave a concert at Lowell last week.
"OUT until February 23," greets visitors to a room in Weld.
THE Sporting Column is omitted this week for lack of room.
THE latest advertising dodge is to utilize the outside of blue-books.
THE President was conspicuous by his absence at the Old South Ball.
THE Brown Alumni will have their annual reunion at Young's Hotel this evening.
THERE are more candidates for the crew at present than Harvard has had for several years.
PROFESSOR BENJAMIN PEIRCE is giving a course of six lectures at the Lowell Institute.
SUBSCRIPTIONS to Vol. XIII. of the Crimson must be paid before taking the second number.
MESSRS. CROCKER, Bancroft, and Peabody are at present coaching the candidates for the crew.
MR. C. D. MARCH, '80, has been elected an editor of the Crimson, vice MR. F. H. ALLEN, '80, resigned.
PROFESSOR SHALER has a paper in the March Atlantic entitled "The Natural History of Politics."
THIS was the notice on a student's door during the Semi-annuals: "Hours for visitors are from 7 to 7.45."
SOME of Charles Sumner's gifts to the College Library are described by Miss Kate V. Smith in the March Scribner.
A NEW debating-society called the Harvard Debating Club has been formed by students of the College and the Law School.
JUNIORS may obtain their forensics with their marks for the year (maximum 300) on Tuesday, February 25, at 3 1/2 o'clock in U. E. R.
THE Crimson anticipates a large extra sale this week, and owes the Advocate many thanks for that curiosity-exciting "lie."
THE price of co-ordinate paper has risen slightly on account of the increased demand at this season of the year from a certain instructor in German.
THE Senior photographs already taken have proved so successful that the rest of the class have decided to be taken with their faces buried in their hats.
THE letter from a Yale graduate in another column will be concluded in the next number.
"A TURGID stream of rhetoric" is what the Herald calls Professor Shaler's article in the March Atlantic.
MR. WINSOR will be present at the Harvard Dinner in New York, to fill the place usually occupied by President Eliot.
AN '81 man translates "Massylique ruunt equites et odora canum vis," "Massylian knights rush forth and a strong scent of dogs."
SEVENTY-THREE Sophomores tried the anticipatory examination in Required History for the second half-year, and fifty-seven have passed.
PROFESSOR WALKER will deliver a lecture on the "Principles of Taxation" before the Finance Club, on Wednesday evening, March 26.
"THE Sad Tale of the Class of 19 - " in the last Crimson should have been put down as "After Mark Twain," but the sub-heading was omitted by mistake.
A FRESHMAN was recently summoned to the Dean's office, and was heard to say, "I have come to see the Dean. Shall I need an introduction?" (Fact.)
AFTER February tickets to the baths in Matthews, at fifty cents per month, will be sold by Mr. Balch at his office in the north entry of Matthews.
MEMBERS of Phil. I. will prepare a Thesis on Berkeley's Introduction, Fraser's edition, pp. 9 - 28, and present it on Wednesday, February 26.
THE reception which the Amherst boys planned to give to the fair students of Smith College was nipped in the bud by the Presidents of both institutions.
PACH, the "Harvard Photographer," was in Washington last week, and succeeded in photographing the whole Cabinet in session, a feat which has never been accomplished before.
TICKETS are now ready for the first lecture of the Natural History Society. The lecture will be given on March 6, and will be on the "Earliest Maps of the American Continent."
PETITIONS granted February 17: Seniors, 20; Juniors, 25; Sophomores, 26; Freshmen, 59. The Semi-annuals account for the falling off in the number of petitions of the three upper classes.
THE Columbia Freshmen have voted to let the Captain of the University pick out their class crew, and that the crew shall choose its own captain.
THE book of names at Bartlett's for the Sophomore Class supper will positively be closed on Thursday evening. The price of the tickets does not include wine.
THE Alumni of Williams held their annual reunion in Boston on Wednesday evening. Dr. Peabody and Professor William Everett were present as invited guests.
THIS is a specimen of what the New York Graphic can do: "Harvard, instead of rowing across the high seas, will challenge either Columbia or Cornell, - the high C's of American Colleges."
THE officers of the Christian Brethren for the next half-year are: President, W. D. Hyde, '79; Secretary, F. W. Baker, '81; Treasurer, W. B. Hill, '79; Librarian, G. W. Dickerman, '81.
AT a meeting of the second-year class of the Medical School, called to take action on the death of Leopold Lobsitz, a series of resolutions were adopted, and arrangements made for a class floral offering.
THE Executive Committee of the Freshman Class to make the arrangements for the race with Columbia are Captain Bartlett and Mr. F. Warren. Mr. G. W. Williams is Secretary and Treasurer.
THE Sophomore Class Supper will take place at Young's Hotel on Friday evening, February 28, at 7 o'clock. The price of tickets will be $3.25, including the book of songs. A book for names is now open at Bartlett's.
IT is earnestly hoped by those who have been unable to go to Boston and hear Professor Child's lectures on the ballad-poetry of England and Scotland, that it may some time be found practicable to repeat the lectures in Cambridge.
MEMBERS of Sections III. and IV. of Division C in Junior Themes will find their themes at the office in a tin marked Junior C. The next Theme day for these sections will be March 4 Sections I. and II. will report together, with Theme V., on March 18.
MR. JOHN FISKE has resigned his position as Assistant Librarian of the College Library, and Mr. Samuel H. Scudder is to be his successor. Mr. Scudder has been for several years connected with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and also with our Scientific School.
CIRCULARS are out for the purpose of raising funds to found a young ladies' college in Cambridge. It is to be modelled after Harvard in almost every respect. It will have similar electives and methods of study, and it is proposed to have Harvard professors take the professorships in addition to their present work. It will differ from Harvard, however, in imposing certain severe restrictions upon the liberty of the young ladies, and they will not be permitted to come into our college Yard.
OVER eight hundred tickets to the Natural History Society lectures have been called for. This course of lectures is so popular that it is hoped that students will not ask for more tickets than they expect to use.
PHOTOGRAPHS of an instructor in a once popular History Course are now on sale at Sever's. He is represented as just having marked an examination-book forty per cent. The demand has thus far been rather light, so in future a copy of the "Verses from the Harvard Advocate" will be given with each picture.
A MEETING was held last Sunday evening at Dr. Ellis's church, on Berkeley Street, to take measures to raise the funds which are needed by the Divinity School. Addresses were made by President Eliot, Professor Everett, the Rev. Dr. Bellows, and others. $130,000 is needed to place the school on a successful working footing.
THE following men are now trying for the University Nine: Alger, '79; Annan, L. S.; Bacon, '80; Brown, '79; Brown, '82; Black, '79; Cook, '79; Coolidge, '81; Cohen, L. S.; Dalzell, '79; Elliott, '81; Fisher, '81; Folsom, '81; Harding, '78; Howe, M. S.; Huse, M. S.; Nunn, '79; Parker, '81; Perrin, '82; Spaulding, '81; Winsor, '80.
MR. EDWARD ATKINSON delivered a very interesting address on "Capital and Labor" before the Finance Club on Friday evening last. In spite of the Semi-annuals a large number of undergraduates were present, besides several members of the Faculty. The Finance Club have reason to be satisfied with the success of their first lecture, and their future ones will be looked forward to with much interest.
AT a meeting of the Freshman Class on Wednesday evening last an acceptance was read from the Columbia Freshmen of the challenge to row an eight-orared, straightaway race with coxswains, time to be agreed upon hereafter. The Columbia Freshmen also accepted the suggestion of New London as a suitable place, and the race will, therefore, be rowed there. The President of the class was authorized to appoint a committee of three to arrange all matters pertaining to the race.
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