

Inquisitive Old Lady. - African Chapel! Well, where do the white boys go to church, I should like to know?

THE report that a daily newspaper, to be called the Harvard Echo, will soon be started, is not wholly without foundation. Six Sophomores intend, if they can get enough advertisements to cover all expenses, to establish a daily paper. The paper, however, is not to be a money-making advertising medium, but merely a literary enterprise.

IN response to an invitation from the Society of Christian Brethren and many other students of the College, Rev. Phillips Brooks has gladly consented to preach in Cambridge on the following Sunday evenings: January 25, February 8, April 18, May 16. He is also expected to preach at the Old Cambridge Baptist Church, on Sunday evening, January 11.

THE members of the Annex were fitted for college at Vassar, Smith College, the high schools in Newton, Somerville, Waltham, Beverly, and Brookline; Packer Institute, Bradford Academy, and Miss Hubbard's School in Boston. A few were prepared by aid of the Harvard Examinations for Women, and of the Society for the Encouragement of Studies at Home.

THE subjects for the second Junior forensic are as follows: 1. Should cabinet officers be held responsible to Congress? 2. Is Tennyson's poetry likely to survive its own times? 3. Should the personal provisions of testators be respected? 4. Which has more influence on a nation's development, its great men, the original character of its race, or the peculiar circumstances of its climate, soil, and geographical situation?


BOWDOIN has a new boat-house, costing $575.

ONLY seventy-five of the two hundred Freshmen at Yale, entered without conditions.

THE Board of Overseers have voted to concur with the President and Fellows in inserting the name of Edmund Trowbridge Dana in the class of 1799.

THE "Academy," speaking of Prof. Goodwin's Greek Grammar, an enlarged and revised edition of which is to be issued shortly by Messrs. Macmillan & Co., says, "The same author's Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb has already made a name for itself in this country; but his Grammar is as yet unknown here. Such a work from a scholar of recognized eminence on the subject, will, no doubt, attract attention."

A SERIES of five concerts will be given in Sanders Theatre, on Thursday evenings of November, December, January, February, and March, by the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra of 40 members, with Mr. Bernhard Listemann as conductor. Distinguished soloists will also take part. The programmes will consist of a great variety of selections from old and new masters. Season tickets at $4 are now ready at the University Bookstore.

THE Yale crew hope to beat Harvard next year by a new stroke, which is pronounced by some who have seen it to be the first practical stroke Yale has ever adopted. The old hang at the end of the stroke is abolished, and several crooked little points are also done away with. In the new stroke, the reach is shorter than heretofore, to insure a strong and steady grip of the water, and to save the additional exertion formerly used in putting the blade back. In feathering, the blade will be horizontal instead of at an angle of forty-five degrees. As soon as the blade is far enough back, the head is thrown back, and the catch is immediate and strong. Instead of continuing the slide to a definite number of inches, the whole is used, thus giving the legs sufficient opportunity to do their work. When the men are ready to receive the word "go," the seat is well under the body, the back and arms inclined forward, and the head in position to throw back, the moment the word for the start is heard. The whole stroke is what is known among sailors as a "fore and aft" swing.

ATTENTION is called to the advertisement of Dr. Tourjee's Conservatory of Music on page vii. This establishment is well adapted to meet the musical wants of Harvard men.
