THERE will be an hour examination in Political Economy 2, at nine o'clock Monday morning.
NOTICE of the dates of the Semi-annual Examinations will be posted on or before the 1st of December.
THE old Gymnasium is not kept open because the man who would have to be there is employed in the new Gymnasium.
THE Advertiser suggests that the available part of Mr. Hastings's bequest be used for a new building for the Law School.
A VIOLA and a French-horn player are wanted in the Pierian Sodality. Information may be had by applying at 32 Thayer.
THE officers of the Freshman football team are: W. D. G. Rice, Secretary; W. H. Allen, Treasurer; G. B. Morison, Captain.
ONE of the Professors at Princeton wrote to Mr. McNair, and asked him to play in their football games with Yale and Harvard.
SEVERAL excellent essays have been sent in by school-boys in competition for the prizes given by the Natural History Society.
PROFESSOR PUTNAM gave, on Tuesday evening, an interesting talk on American Archaeology before the Natural History Society.
MR. CARY will soon appoint an hour for a second elementary class, to accommodate those for whom the present hour is inconvenient.
AT the last meeting of the Natural History Society, Mr. Putnam read a very interesting paper, illustrated by specimens from the Peabody Museum.
THE following gentlemen from the Class of '81 have been elected into the Signet: Burdett, Dazey, Jameson, Jelly, W. C. Lane, Nelson, Wright.
ONLY a few more subscribers are needed to insure the financial success of the Philharmonic concerts. All who intend to subscribe should do so immediately.
THE game of football between the Freshmen and the Sophomores had to be postponed on account of the weather yesterday. It will be played, probably, next week.
THE loss of Mr. Peabody is unfortunate for the Crew. His place will be hard to fill, and it is hoped that a number of good candidates will come forward at once.
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