PROF. PAINE will give a series of three piano recitals after the recess, in Lower Boylston Hall. At one of the recitals he will be assisted, as last year, by some well-known vocalist.
THERE are at present three sets of telephones in active operation in college. Telephones can be hired of the C. T. Co., at $5.00 a pair per annum. The president can be found at 8 Matthews.
DR. WILLIAM EVERETT has been requested to take charge of the first class at Adams Academy, Quincy, until the end of the present school-term, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. Dimmock.
The Freshman Nine is composed of the following, namely: Captain, J. S. Howe, A.; W.H. Coolidge, B.; Sanger, C.; Elliot, S. S.; Folsom, H.; Cruger, P.; Barton, L. F.; Parker, C. F.; Fisher, R. F.; M. H. Morgan, Scorer.
A PETITION sent by our Nine to the Base Ball League asking that they be allowed to play the Bostons on the Boston grounds has not been granted. League clubs cannot play other than League clubs on the grounds belonging to such club.
THE next number of the Crimson will contain plans, views, and a description of the new Gymnasium-Subscribers will receive their copies as usual; but the price of papers sold over the counter will be 25 cents.
A DEPARTMENT of "Notes and Queries" has just been started at the Library. The queries are written on slips, and hung on books provided for the purpose, and any one is at liberty to answer them. The idea has become very popular, and will probably be useful, though to judge from the queries, their authors might easily have found the answers on their own hook, without having recourse to the hooks of the Library.
AN entertainment, at the Tabernacle, in Boston, is announced for Wednesday evening, the 24th inst., in aid of the Y.M.C. Association Rowing Club. The athletes of Harvard are cordially invited to participate in the exercises, as a large proportion of the contestants are amateurs and the object is a deserving one. The programme is as follows: Heavy dumbbells; picking up heavy weights; putting the shot; three-legged race; one-mile walk; pulling up, one and two arms; half-mile run; hitch-and-kick; sack-race; horizontal bar; foil and broadsword fencing; tumbling; rowing eight oars; single and double somersaults; hurdle-racing; potato-race; tug of war; three-mile walk; standing and running high jump, etc. Further particulars can be obtained from General Lister, who has been requested to act as referee.
THE Freshman Nine has arranged the following games, namely: St. Marks, at Southboro', May 4; Adams, at Quincy, May 8; Yale, '81, at New Haven, May 11; Brown, '81, at Providence, May 22, and at Cambridge, May 24; Yale, '81, June 1. The third game with Yale will probably be at Hartford on the same day on which the University play. They will very likely play a nine from the Cambridge High School on Holmes Field to-morrow at 11 o'clock.
THE following games have been arranged by the Captain of the University Nine:-
April 20. Trinity at Hartford.
May 10. Princeton at Princeton.
May 11. Princeton at Princeton.
May 18. Yale at New Haven.
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