THE Lampoon will come out next Tuesday.
THE latest thing from Beck is the organization of a Lawn Tennis-Club.
THERE will be no field-meeting of the H. A. A. this season for fear of injuring Jarvis.
THE Matthews six has been on the river every day this week, and is rowing in good form.
MESSRS. HOLDEN and W. A. Howe of the University Nine will play in college matches.
CAPTAIN NORTH of the Freshman Crew has not received the telegram which the Cornell Era declares to have been sent.
AT the recent debate in English 5 on "The Advisability of Woman's Suffrage," the question was decided in the negative. Another debate on the Chinese Labor question has recently taken place, and a negative decision was reached.
THE next number of the Advocate will appear Monday, April 8, so that subscribers can take their copies before the recess begins.
THE Freshmen were out in an eight on Tuesday and showed great improvement; hereafter they will go out every day in the University's barge.
THE announcement in the Boston papers that the Freshman race with Cornell had been abandoned was premature. No decision has yet been reached.
MR. GEORGE H. BENYON, of the Newton Boat Club has entered for the single-scull race, to be rowed, May 11, over the Charles River course.
A GENTLEMAN recently rode his bicycle from Charles Street, Boston, to the College Yard, across the Mill-Dam, in a little less than twenty minutes.
THE match with the Beacons to-morrow will take place at 3 P. M. The grounds (and the spectators) will be roped in, and policemen will be in attendance.
MR. NORTON has invited the Art Club to visit him at his house on Tuesday evening, April 9; but as the vacation begins next day, and as many will already have left, the meeting has been postponed till after the recess.
MR. H. G. DANFORTH, '77, is rowing on the river every day preparatory to the race with Union. Mr. Goddard. '79, and Mr. Griswold, '80, are also at work in singles.
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