ON Wednesday, the 13th inst., the Freshmen Eleven played their third match of the season, at Andover, against the Phillips Academy Eleven. The game was very close during the first "three-quarters," '82 getting one touch-down through good passing and a fine rush by Crehore. In the next "three-quarters," Crehore and Manning each secured two touch-downs; and from one of them a goal was kicked. Sedgwick kicked a goal from the field, thus making the score two goals and four touch-downs for '82, to nothing for Andover. The playing of Crehore, Manning, Sedgwick, and Williams for '82 was good, and the team as a whole played in much better form than at Quincy.
On a Law Pill.They nicknamed him "Necessity."
Fit appellation! For
You've heard the proverb old which says,
"Necessity knows no Law."
THE report of the Auditor of the Dining Association for October and the last five days of September is as follows:-
Bills paid $14,080.10
Water charge 32.91
Interest on debt 279.35
Interest on advances 88.52
Reduction of debt 166.67
Insurance (estimated) 20.00
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Secret Societies of the University of Chicago.